BMW 3 Series VIN Number locations
Produced from 1978.
Models include 316, 318, 320, 323, 325, 328 and 330
Produced from 1978.
Models include 316, 318, 320, 323, 325, 328 and 330
Chassis/VIN Plate
Early BMW 3 Series models have the VIN plate riveted on the front offside of the inner wing behind the headlamp assembly or on the rear offside of the inner wing adjacent to the battery. The VIN plate Black metal plate held by two silver rivets, No security marks. Visible VIN on the nearside of the front windscreen in bold white lettering with asterisk security marks at the beginning and end of the number. Stamped Number Early BMW 3 series models have the stamped VIN on the centre or offside centre of the bulkhead below the offside windscreen wiper pivot. New models have the number stamped on the offside suspension top. Circle within a circle security marks at each end of the number. Engine Number Early models have the number stamped into a lug on the rear nearside of the block. Later models have the number stamped on the nearside middle of the block. |