Motorcycle & Scooter Frame Engine VIN Number Locations
Motorcycle VIN numbers or frame numbers are located stamped into the frame and are the unique identification or DNA of the bike.
There is often also a VIN data or build plate on the motorcycle that as well as other information also lists the VIN number. This plate is either riveted to the frame or is is a tamper proof sticker format For a detailed breakdown of motorcycle VIN number locations Visit: Motorcycle VIN Locations General locations for finding your motorbike or scooter VIN frame number location are: Head stock or steering sleeve just below the handlebars Frame down tubes Side frame rail Under the fuel tank or seat Engine mounting bars Scooters tend to have their VIN stamped on the front frame viewed by removing a plastic flap on the front fairing or more often it will be stamped into the frame under the seat, occasionally a scooters VIN numbers are stamped into the bottom of the frame viewed by looking just under the floor/foot rest For a detailed breakdown of motorcycle VIN locations Visit: Motorcycle VIN Locations |
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Avoid costly problems by revealing important information about your motorcycle.