Chassis/VIN Plate Cherokee VIN plate is located on the offside of the bulkhead on riveted metal plate adjacent to bonnet hinge . The body/build plate is on the nearside of the bulkhead and displays a VIN repeat. A secondary position can be found in a sticker format on the bottom inside of the passenger door.
In later Jeep models the VIN data plate can be located on the passenger or rear passenger door pillar
Cherokee build Plate
Visible VIN On the front windscreen offside base viewed through windscreen in a recess in the dashboard on a metal strip held by two black rivets with star security marks.
Stamped Chassis Number On the offside inner wing, 8 point asterisk security marks. On later models the Stamped VIN number is located next to the drivers seat located by removing the door rubber and plastic cover
Engine Number On the nearside rear of the block on a lug.