Tesla Models & VIN Number Locations
Tesla VIN Number locations
The position of Tesla VIN's or chassis numbers varies with each model, including where the vehicle was manufactured.
The VIN Number can usually be found on the following locations including, the door post on a sticker or stamped into the floor under the seat, stamped into the chassis viewed by removing the plastic trim covering the door sill or door post.
All Tesla models will have a visible VIN number that can be viewed through the bottom corner of the windscreen.
You can also recover the Tesla VIN number by accessing the onboard computer via the touch screen with the sequence: Controls > Software > VIN Number
Select a Tesla model from the list below to see its exact VIN number position
The position of Tesla VIN's or chassis numbers varies with each model, including where the vehicle was manufactured.
The VIN Number can usually be found on the following locations including, the door post on a sticker or stamped into the floor under the seat, stamped into the chassis viewed by removing the plastic trim covering the door sill or door post.
All Tesla models will have a visible VIN number that can be viewed through the bottom corner of the windscreen.
You can also recover the Tesla VIN number by accessing the onboard computer via the touch screen with the sequence: Controls > Software > VIN Number
Select a Tesla model from the list below to see its exact VIN number position