Nissan Models & VIN Number Locations
Nissan VIN Number locations
Will vary with model and age, generally the VIN number is located in the engine compartment Usually tamped into the bulkhead or stamped into or just in front of the floor cross member under the front seats
VIN plates are often adjacent to the stamped number or on the passenger door post in a sticker format.
Later Nissan models will have a visible VIN number that can be viewed through the bottom of the windscreen
Select a model from the list below to see its exact VIN number location
Will vary with model and age, generally the VIN number is located in the engine compartment Usually tamped into the bulkhead or stamped into or just in front of the floor cross member under the front seats
VIN plates are often adjacent to the stamped number or on the passenger door post in a sticker format.
Later Nissan models will have a visible VIN number that can be viewed through the bottom of the windscreen
Select a model from the list below to see its exact VIN number location
100NX 200SX 300 300ZX 370Z Almera Almera Tino Bluebird Combi Civilian Bus e-NV200 EVALIA GT-R Juke Leaf Micra Navara Note Pathfinder Patrol Primera Pulsar Qashqai QX Serena Terrano II X-Trail |