Dodge Challenger VIN Number Locations
Produced by Dodge from 2008
The VIN locations are detailed beow
Produced by Dodge from 2008
The VIN locations are detailed beow
Stamped Chassis VIN Number
The Dodge challenger VIN vehicle identification number (VIN) or chassis number is located on the right front strut tower inside the engine compartment. This was on a later model other areas to check are under the front seats stamped into the crossmember in the trunk or on the fire wall. VIN Plate VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER The Challenger VIN number also appears on the Automobile Information Disclosure Label affixed to a window on your vehicle and may be on a VIN build label on the driver of passenger door post Visible VIN There should be a VIN number located on the front of the cars dash which can be viewed through the bottom right of the windscreen |
Dodge Challenger