Daihatsu Models & VIN Number Locations
Daihatsu VIN Number locations
The Daihatsu VIN numbers can generally be found in the engine compartment stamped into the bulkhead. On the off road models the VIN number will be stamped into the front chassis viewed through the front right hand wheel arch
There is also a build plate that will show the VIN usually in the engine compartment.
The VIN or build plate is usually also attached to the bulk head or front panel above the grill
On later models there should also be a visible VIN number that can be viewed through the bottom corner of the windscreen
Choose your model below for a more detailed VIN number location description
The Daihatsu VIN numbers can generally be found in the engine compartment stamped into the bulkhead. On the off road models the VIN number will be stamped into the front chassis viewed through the front right hand wheel arch
There is also a build plate that will show the VIN usually in the engine compartment.
The VIN or build plate is usually also attached to the bulk head or front panel above the grill
On later models there should also be a visible VIN number that can be viewed through the bottom corner of the windscreen
Choose your model below for a more detailed VIN number location description