List Of International vehicle registration codes
Ever wondered which county a car comes from when looking at the country code on or next to the cars number plate? Below is a List Of International vehicle registration codes.
1924 Paris Convention distinguishing marks
Germany D
United States of America US
Austria A
Belgium B
Brazil BR
Great Britain and Northern Ireland BG / UK
Alderney GBA
Gibraltar GBZ
Guernsey GBG
Jersey GBJ
Malta GBY
British India BI
Bulgaria BG
Chile RCH
China RC
Colombia CO
Cuba C
Denmark DK
Danzig DA
Egypt ET EG.
Ecuador EQ
Spain España E
Estonia EST
Finland SF
France, Algeria and Tunis F
French India F
Guatemala G
Greece GR
Haiti RH
Hungary H
Italy I
Latvia LV
Liechtenstein FL
Lithuania LT
Luxembourg L
Morocco F
Mexico MEX
Monaco MC
Panama PA
Paraguay PY
Netherlands NL
Dutch East Indies IN
Peru PE
Persia PR
Poland PL
Portugal P
Romania R
Territory of the Saar SA
Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes SHS
Siam SM
Sweden S
Switzerland CH
Syria and Lebanon LSA
Czechoslovakia CS
Turkey TR
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics SU
Uruguay U
United States of America US
Austria A
Belgium B
Brazil BR
Great Britain and Northern Ireland BG / UK
Alderney GBA
Gibraltar GBZ
Guernsey GBG
Jersey GBJ
Malta GBY
British India BI
Bulgaria BG
Chile RCH
China RC
Colombia CO
Cuba C
Denmark DK
Danzig DA
Egypt ET EG.
Ecuador EQ
Spain España E
Estonia EST
Finland SF
France, Algeria and Tunis F
French India F
Guatemala G
Greece GR
Haiti RH
Hungary H
Italy I
Latvia LV
Liechtenstein FL
Lithuania LT
Luxembourg L
Morocco F
Mexico MEX
Monaco MC
Panama PA
Paraguay PY
Netherlands NL
Dutch East Indies IN
Peru PE
Persia PR
Poland PL
Portugal P
Romania R
Territory of the Saar SA
Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes SHS
Siam SM
Sweden S
Switzerland CH
Syria and Lebanon LSA
Czechoslovakia CS
Turkey TR
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics SU
Uruguay U
The Vienna Convention on Road Traffic 1977, Replaced previous road traffic conventions.
According to the distinguishing sign of the country of registration must be displayed on the rear of the vehicle.
The sign may either be placed separately from the registration plate as a white oval plate or sticker, or be incorporated in the vehicle registration plate.
When the distinguishing sign is incorporated in the registration plate, it must also appear on the front registration plate of the vehicle.
According to the distinguishing sign of the country of registration must be displayed on the rear of the vehicle.
The sign may either be placed separately from the registration plate as a white oval plate or sticker, or be incorporated in the vehicle registration plate.
When the distinguishing sign is incorporated in the registration plate, it must also appear on the front registration plate of the vehicle.
Alphabetial List of Current International vehicle registration codes
A - Austria
AFG - Afghanistan
AL - Albania
AND - Andorra
AM - Armenia
AUS - Australia
AZ - Azerbaijan
B - Belgium
BD - Bangladesh
BDS - Barbados
BF - Burkina Faso
BG - Bulgaria .
BH - Belize 1938
BIH - Bosnia and Herzegovina
BOL - Bolivia
BR - Brazil
BRN - Bahrain
BRU - Brunei
BS - Bahamas
BUR - Myanmar
BVI - British Virgin Islands
BW - Botswana
BY - Belarus
CAM - Cameroon
CDN - Canada
CGO - Democratic Republic of the Congo
CH - Switzerland
CI - Ivory Coast (Côte d'Ivoire)
CL - Sri Lanka
CO - Colombia
CR - Costa Rica
CU - Cuba 1930
CY - Cyprus 1932
CZ - Czech Republic
DK - Denmark
DOM - Dominican Republic
DY - Benin
DZ - Algeria
E - Spain
EAK - Kenya
EAT - Tanzania
EAU - Uganda
EAZ - Zanzibar
EC - Ecuador
EG - Egypt
ER - Eritrea
ES - El Salvador
EST - Estonia
ETH - Ethiopia
F - France
FIN - Finland
FJI - Fiji .
FL - Liechtenstein
FO - Faroe Islands
G - Gabon
GBA - Alderney
GBG - Guernsey
GBJ - Jersey
GBM - Isle of Man
GBZ - Gibraltar
GCA - Guatemala
GE - Georgia
GH - Ghana
GR - Greece
GUY - Guyana
H - Hungary
HK - Hong Kong
HKJ - Jordan
HN - Honduras
HR - Croatia
I - Italy
IL - Israel
IND - India
IR - Iran
IRL - Ireland
IRQ - Iraq
KR - Kurdistan
IS - Iceland
J - Japan
JA - Jamaica
KH - Cambodia
KG - Kyrgyzstan
KSA - Saudi Arabia
KWT - Kuwait
KZ - Kazakhstan
L - Luxembourg
LAO - Laos
LAR - Libya
LB - Liberia
LS - Lesotho
LT - Lithuania
LV - Latvia
M - Malta
MA - Morocco
MAL - Malaysia
MC - Monaco
MD - Moldova
MEX - Mexico
MNE - Montenegro
MS - Mauritius
MV - Maldives
MW - Malawi
N - Norway
NAM - Namibia
NAU - Nauru
NEP - Nepal
NIC - Nicaragua
NMK - North Macedonia
MK - Republic of Macedonia
NZ - New Zealand
OM - Oman
P - Portugal
PA - Panama
PE - Peru
PK - Pakistan
PL - Poland
PNG - Papua New Guinea
PY - Paraguay
Q - Qatar
RA - Argentina
RC - Taiwan
RCA - Central African Republic
RCB - Republic of the Congo
RCH - Chile
RG - Guinea
RH - Haiti
RI - Indonesia
RIM - Mauritania
RKS - Kosovo
SRB - Republic of Kosovo
RL - Lebanon
RM - Madagascar
RMM - Mali
RN - Niger
RO - Romania
ROK - Republic of Korea
ROU - Uruguay
RP - Philippines
RSM - San Marino
RU - Burundi
RUS - Russia
RWA - Rwanda
S - Sweden
SD - Eswatini
SK - Slovakia
SLO - Slovenia
SME - Suriname
SN - Senegal
SO - Somalia
SRB - Serbia
SUD - Sudan
SY - Seychelles
SYR - Syria
T - Thailand
TCH - Chad
TG - Togo
TJ - Tajikistan
TM - Turkmenistan
TN - Tunisia
TO - Tonga
TR - Turkey
TT - Trinidad and Tobago
UA - Ukraine
UAE - United Arab Emirates
UK - United Kingdom
USA - United States
UZ - Uzbekistan
V - Vatican City
VN - Vietnam
WAG - Gambia
WAL - Sierra Leone
WAN - Nigeria
WD - Dominica
WG - Grenada
WL - Saint Lucia
WS - Samoa
WV - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
YAR - Yemen
YV - Venezuela
Z - Zambia
ZA - South Africa
ZW - Zimbabwe
AFG - Afghanistan
AL - Albania
AND - Andorra
AM - Armenia
AUS - Australia
AZ - Azerbaijan
B - Belgium
BD - Bangladesh
BDS - Barbados
BF - Burkina Faso
BG - Bulgaria .
BH - Belize 1938
BIH - Bosnia and Herzegovina
BOL - Bolivia
BR - Brazil
BRN - Bahrain
BRU - Brunei
BS - Bahamas
BUR - Myanmar
BVI - British Virgin Islands
BW - Botswana
BY - Belarus
CAM - Cameroon
CDN - Canada
CGO - Democratic Republic of the Congo
CH - Switzerland
CI - Ivory Coast (Côte d'Ivoire)
CL - Sri Lanka
CO - Colombia
CR - Costa Rica
CU - Cuba 1930
CY - Cyprus 1932
CZ - Czech Republic
DK - Denmark
DOM - Dominican Republic
DY - Benin
DZ - Algeria
E - Spain
EAK - Kenya
EAT - Tanzania
EAU - Uganda
EAZ - Zanzibar
EC - Ecuador
EG - Egypt
ER - Eritrea
ES - El Salvador
EST - Estonia
ETH - Ethiopia
F - France
FIN - Finland
FJI - Fiji .
FL - Liechtenstein
FO - Faroe Islands
G - Gabon
GBA - Alderney
GBG - Guernsey
GBJ - Jersey
GBM - Isle of Man
GBZ - Gibraltar
GCA - Guatemala
GE - Georgia
GH - Ghana
GR - Greece
GUY - Guyana
H - Hungary
HK - Hong Kong
HKJ - Jordan
HN - Honduras
HR - Croatia
I - Italy
IL - Israel
IND - India
IR - Iran
IRL - Ireland
IRQ - Iraq
KR - Kurdistan
IS - Iceland
J - Japan
JA - Jamaica
KH - Cambodia
KG - Kyrgyzstan
KSA - Saudi Arabia
KWT - Kuwait
KZ - Kazakhstan
L - Luxembourg
LAO - Laos
LAR - Libya
LB - Liberia
LS - Lesotho
LT - Lithuania
LV - Latvia
M - Malta
MA - Morocco
MAL - Malaysia
MC - Monaco
MD - Moldova
MEX - Mexico
MNE - Montenegro
MS - Mauritius
MV - Maldives
MW - Malawi
N - Norway
NAM - Namibia
NAU - Nauru
NEP - Nepal
NIC - Nicaragua
NMK - North Macedonia
MK - Republic of Macedonia
NZ - New Zealand
OM - Oman
P - Portugal
PA - Panama
PE - Peru
PK - Pakistan
PL - Poland
PNG - Papua New Guinea
PY - Paraguay
Q - Qatar
RA - Argentina
RC - Taiwan
RCA - Central African Republic
RCB - Republic of the Congo
RCH - Chile
RG - Guinea
RH - Haiti
RI - Indonesia
RIM - Mauritania
RKS - Kosovo
SRB - Republic of Kosovo
RL - Lebanon
RM - Madagascar
RMM - Mali
RN - Niger
RO - Romania
ROK - Republic of Korea
ROU - Uruguay
RP - Philippines
RSM - San Marino
RU - Burundi
RUS - Russia
RWA - Rwanda
S - Sweden
SD - Eswatini
SK - Slovakia
SLO - Slovenia
SME - Suriname
SN - Senegal
SO - Somalia
SRB - Serbia
SUD - Sudan
SY - Seychelles
SYR - Syria
T - Thailand
TCH - Chad
TG - Togo
TJ - Tajikistan
TM - Turkmenistan
TN - Tunisia
TO - Tonga
TR - Turkey
TT - Trinidad and Tobago
UA - Ukraine
UAE - United Arab Emirates
UK - United Kingdom
USA - United States
UZ - Uzbekistan
V - Vatican City
VN - Vietnam
WAG - Gambia
WAL - Sierra Leone
WAN - Nigeria
WD - Dominica
WG - Grenada
WL - Saint Lucia
WS - Samoa
WV - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
YAR - Yemen
YV - Venezuela
Z - Zambia
ZA - South Africa
ZW - Zimbabwe